program usuki use IMSL implicit none integer, parameter::rows=64 integer, parameter::cols=55 real(8), parameter::a=5.0d-9 real(8), parameter::b=0.0d0 real(8), parameter::EF0=0.02 complex(8) H(rows,rows),cimag,phase,evs(rows),evec(rows,rows) complex(8) inter(rows,rows),LPINV(rows,rows),H2(2*rows,2*rows) complex(8) k(rows),CM1(rows,rows),CM2(rows,rows),T21(rows,rows) complex(8) devec(2*rows,2*rows),devs(2*rows),UM(rows,rows) complex(8) T12(rows,rows),LP(rows,rows),inter2(rows,rows) complex(8) P2S(rows,rows,cols),P1S(rows,rows,cols),PHI1(rows,rows) complex(8) PHI2(rows,rows) real(8) c0,c1,c2,thop,mass,bet,hb2o2m,vel(rows),EF,bl,sum,test real(8) test2,dens(rows,cols),pot(rows,cols) real(8) hbar,m0,q integer i,j,s,s2,mode open (3,file='eigenvalues.txt') open (4,file='density-55.txt') c Define the constants m0=9.11d-31 hbar=1.054d-34 q=1.602d-19 mass=.067d0*m0 c0=0.0d0 c1=1.0d0 c2=2.0d0 cimag=dcmplx(c0,c1) hb2o2m=(hbar/c2/mass)*(hbar/q) thop=hb2o2m/a/a bet=q*b*a*a/hbar c Determine the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the -1 column H=dcmplx(c0,c0) pot=c0 CM2=H CM1=H LPINV=H LP=H do i=1,rows H(i,i)=c2*thop if ( then H(i,i+1)=thop endif if ( then H(i,i-1)=thop endif enddo call devccg(rows,H,rows,evs,evec,rows) c The matrix evecn now contains the eigenvectors of the zero c column as the column with the lowest eigenvector in the c rightmost column. We are in the site representation, c but evec provides the transformation into this representation c from the mode representation. c Ramp the fermi energy do i=1,rows write (3,*) real(evs(i)) enddo test=real(evs(rows)) c Define the local potential in terms of the hopping term do j=21,31 do i=1,26 pot(i,j)=c2*c2 pot(64+1-i,j)=c2*c2 enddo enddo c Initialize a loop over a range of Fermi energies do s=16,16 EF=EF0*(dble(s)/20.0d0)+test c Initialize the modes and find the new eigenvalues for the 0 column H2=dcmplx(c0,c0) do i=1,rows H2(i,i+rows)=c1 H2(i+rows,i)=-c1 H2(i+rows,i+rows)=-(EF/thop)+c2*c2 if ( then H2(i+rows,i+1+rows)=-c1 endif if ( then H2(i+rows,i-1+rows)=-c1 endif enddo call devccg(2*rows,H2,2*rows,devs,devec,2*rows) j=1 do i=1,2*rows if (real(devs(i)).gt.c1) then evs(j)=devs(2*rows-i+1) LPINV(j,j)=devs(i) LP(j,j)=c1/devs(i) do s2=1,rows evec(s2,j)=devec(s2,i) enddo j=j+1 else if (imag(devs(i)).gt.1.0d-05) then evs(j)=devs(i) LP(j,j)=devs(i) LPINV(j,j)=dconjg(devs(i)) do s2=1,rows evec(s2,j)=devec(s2,i) enddo endif enddo c Determine the propagation vectors and mode velocities do i=1,2*rows if (dabs(dimag(evs(i))).lt.1.0d-10) then k(i)=dcmplx(c0,-log(real(evs(i)))/a) vel(i)=c0 else k(i)=dcmplx(atan(imag(evs(i))/real(evs(i)))/a,c0) vel(i)=(hbar/c2/a/mass)*dsin(c2*dreal(k(i))*a) endif enddo c Normalize the eigenvectors do i=1,rows test2=c0 do j=1,rows test2=test2+a*cdabs(evec(j,i))**2 enddo test2=dsqrt(test2) do j=1,rows evec(j,i)=evec(j,i)/test2 enddo enddo UM=evec inter=matmul(UM,LPINV) c Compute the inverse of the matrix call dlincg(rows,inter,rows,CM1,rows) CM2=matmul(UM,CM1) inter=matmul(evec,LP) CM1=evec-matmul(CM2,inter) c Ramp the magnetic field over 10 columns do j=1,10 bl=dble(j)*bet/10.0d0 H=dcmplx(c0,c0) T21=dcmplx(c0,c0) do i=1,rows phase=cdexp(-cimag*bl*dble(i)) H(i,i)=-((EF/thop)-c2*c2)*phase T21(i,i)=-phase*phase if ( then H(i,i+1)=-phase endif if ( then H(i,i-1)=-phase endif enddo inter=matmul(T21,CM2)+H c Compute the inverse of the matrix call dlincg(rows,inter,rows,CM2,rows) inter=matmul(T21,CM1) CM1=-matmul(CM2,inter) enddo c Now propagate through the active region do j=1,cols H=dcmplx(c0,c0) T21=dcmplx(c0,c0) do i=1,rows phase=cdexp(-cimag*bet*dble(i)) H(i,i)=-((EF/thop)-c2*c2-pot(i,j))*phase T21(i,i)=-phase*phase if ( then H(i,i+1)=-phase endif if ( then H(i,i-1)=-phase endif enddo inter=matmul(T21,CM2)+H c Now compute the inverse of the matrix again call dlincg(rows,inter,rows,CM2,rows) inter=matmul(T21,CM1) CM1=-matmul(CM2,inter) P2S(:,:,j)=CM2 P1S(:,:,j)=CM1 enddo c Ramp down the magnetic field do j=0,10 bl=dble(10-j)*bet/10.0d0 H=dcmplx(c0,c0) T21=dcmplx(c0,c0) do i=1,rows phase=cdexp(-cimag*bl*dble(i)) H(i,i)=-((EF/thop)-c2*c2)*phase T21(i,i)=-phase*phase if ( then H(i,i+1)=-phase endif if ( then H(i,i-1)=-phase endif enddo inter=matmul(T21,CM2)+H call dlincg(rows,inter,rows,CM2,rows) inter=matmul(T21,CM1) CM1=-matmul(CM2,inter) if (j.eq.0) then PHI1=CM1 PHI2=CM2 else PHI1=PHI1+matmul(PHI2,CM1) PHI2=matmul(PHI2,CM2) endif enddo c Now compute the transmission inter=matmul(evec,LP) call dlincg(rows,inter,rows,T12,rows) inter=CM2-matmul(evec,T12) call dlincg(rows,inter,rows,inter2,rows) inter=-matmul(inter2,CM1) PHI1=PHI1+matmul(PHI2,inter) PHI2=matmul(PHI2,inter2) CM2=matmul(T12,inter2) CM1=matmul(T12,inter) sum=c0 do i=1,rows do j=1,rows if (vel(j).gt.c0) then sum=sum+(vel(i)*cdabs(CM1(i,j))**2)/vel(j) endif enddo enddo write(3,*) 'Transmission=',sum c Now unfold the density do j=cols,1,-1 PHI1=P1S(:,:,j)+matmul(P2S(:,:,j),PHI1) do i=1,rows sum=c0 do mode=1,rows sum=sum+cdabs(PHI1(i,mode))**2 enddo dens(i,j)=sum enddo enddo do j=1,cols do i=1,rows write(4,*) dens(i,j) enddo enddo do i=1,rows write(3,*) k(i),vel(i) enddo enddo end